Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hard surface(car) modeling

Assignment Details:
  1. Overview:
Create a textured car model in Max as per the detailed specification and sample model provided. The model created needs to be accurate in terms of scale, proportions and shape.
  1. Technical specification in brief:
The model created needs to be accurate in terms of scale, proportions and shape. The model needs to match line drawings and primary reference images. The model created needs to follow the sample model in terms of mesh and texture detail and distribution. The triangle budget for the model is 4500 triangles excluding the 4 wheels. The entire model excluding wheels should use one 512 x  512 32 bit texture with the master psd created 1024 x 1024. The wheel model needs to follow the sample in terms of its construction and could use the wheel textures provided with the sample.

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