Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Assignment Details:
  1. Overview:
Faculty shares a collection of prop photographs and each students chooses one primary picture of the prop that they would create in this assignment. They are expected to collect further references and create a concept page which would act as the master reference for the prop being created. This would be approved by the faculty. Thereafter students need to model, map and texture the prop to the given spec. The final submission needs to be Quality Checked by the students against the technical specification before submitting.

  1. Technical specification:
·         Triangle budget for the entire scene is 750

·         Texture: 1 No x 1024 x 1024 pixels (24 or 32 bit)
·         Texture format: ‘.Tga’ (corresponding ‘PSD’ with all the layers)
·         The model could use either standard or multi sub object material

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