Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Inorganic sculpting

Assignment Details:
  1. Overview:
Create a High detail 3D model in ZBrush for generation of Normal Maps. The model created needs to represent the provided reference accurately.

  1. Technical specification in brief:
The base model created needs to be accurate in terms of scale, proportions, shape and has to be well constructed for working in Zbrush. The high detail model needs to be created in ZBrush and the detailing should accurately represent the provided reference.

    1. Low Res Base Mesh. The base model needs to be accurate representation of the reference in terms of scale, proportions and shape. The base mesh needs to have proper divisions and should be constructed using quads in max. Triangles should be avoided as much as possible.
    2. High Res Sculpt Model. Importing the base in proper format. All the visible details and features need to be sculpted.
    3. Final submission. The final submission consists of the low res model with normal maps in Max and the high res ZBrush model.

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